
Seth Johnson is a Masters’ student at the University of Texas at Austin. As a student, he has had the opportunity of performing regularly with the University of Texas Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, Butler Opera, and Horn Choir. Seth is an active performer within the Austin area and has had the pleasure of performing with ensembles such as the Central Texas Philharmonic, Victoria Symphony Orchestra, and Austin Brass Collective. Along with maintaining an active performance schedule, Seth also runs a growing horn studio, that currently holds over twenty students. While pursuing his graduate degree, Seth competed and won the Horn Ensemble Competition at the 2023 Mid South Horn Conference, with the Graduate Horn Quartet. Aside from being a performer in the Austin area, Seth maintains a competitive horn studio, and frequently works as a guest instructor with schools in the mid Texas region. In the fall of 2023, Seth will be relocating to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he will be pursuing a DMA in Horn Performance from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM)

Teaching Philosophy

It is my belief that every student is capable of learning anything they set their mind to; especially if they work hard and have a guiding hand along the way. As a teacher, it is my goal to be this helping hand along a student’s timeline of learning. I believe that as a teacher, it is our job to figure out the best way to teach each individual student. Every teacher has an approach, or method that they feel most comfortable with; however, it is necessary that the teacher adapts to the student, and not the other way around. It is a teacher’s responsibility to learn exactly the best way to teach each student, at the individual level.